There are dozens of sleep PDFs, e-guides, online videos, programs, and friends that will supply you with information. Yes - tons of information about sleep, wake windows, sleep methods, sleep training tips, best gear to buy, feeding schedules, bedtime routines, and more. But there is only one thing that separates them all from working with Lullaby Magic Sleep Consulting... can you guess what that is?
Working with a REAL person!
When working with Lullaby Magic Sleep Consulting, you are getting a concierge service, 1:1 customized support, someone in your back pocket to text and call anytime. You can read the facebook and google reviews for yourself. It's not just the sleep training support, it's the parent-to-parent contact, the feeling of connection, the relationship we build in the process, and your comfort level to come back with questions, anytime, even a year later!
One major complaint I hear from a lot of parents is that they've "tried everything." They've gone to the facebook groups, they've asked their mommy friends, they've bought other programs, they've read all the books, but NOTHING works! That's because for some people, having the coach holding you accountable is what you need to not give in. Not breaking character, not throwing in the towel...knowing someone is going to text you in the morning to ask how the night went - that's me! I am going to help you reach that goal to better sleep as fast as we can. Your life is about to change!
Sleep training is not for the faint of heart. For some, it's easy to hear their baby cry. For others, it feels like literal death. But sleep training doesn't have to be that way. I work remotely with families globally every day to hold their hand (virtually) through this process! Sometimes it's not the crying that is hard for parents, but the general exhaustion of walking their child back to bed 100 times a night. I have news for you though... a few nights of concentrated effort to teach your child independent sleep skills will pay off ten fold when they no longer come to you nightly. You will wake up at 3AM in shock that they're still asleep! You'll be checking the monitor to make sure they're still breathing...(they will be!) and it's hard at first, but the hard work pays off and will give you the much needed sleep you ALL deserve.
Set up a goal setting call with me today to learn more about the work we will do together, and let's get better sleep NOW!